The Role Of Clothing In The Elizabethan Era

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‘Fashion?” Most people believe fashion wasn’t as huge in Elizabethan Era; amazing materials like silk, designs, Jewelry, and wool fabric. Were used for mostly ever clothing made in the Elizabethan Era from men to women from boy to girl all clothing looked the same . Men’s and women’s clothing used the same materials; men wore knee-length tunics for most activities, and men of upper classes. Women wore long tunics for gowns. Also both genders wore dresses of disguise. Fashion to them was the biggest thing of looks to them even in playing roles for those like Men wore long dresses for entertainment. Women couldn’t perform because they weren’t allowed to. Back then you couldn’t tell the differences between male and female clothing they looked identical they both wore long crossing-dressing. Lots of people ‘said’ it was very comfortable and stylish in the modern times. Shirts and pants were also made the same from Wool Silk and Wool Fabric was the top material in clothing. Literary trapped around pants legs and dresses giving them that long fashionable look. Similar materials like all aristocratic Elizabethan women wear: chemise, a corset stiffened with wood or iron, a petticoat, and farthingale…show more content…
Footwear that was flat, or low heeled slip-ons but boots were also common made of wood or leather with velvet and silk materials. Their foot wear was so unique; there were clearly two categories of shoes during the Elizabethan Era – those of the lower class and upper class. They were made of shout or leather or, for the Upper Class velvet and silk. Shoes with high heels were created during the end of the Elizabethan era but were only worn by the nobility. Shoes could be slipped on or fastened with ribbons or laced down. They were sometimes decorated with trims, embroidery or jewels and ‘pinked’ with tiny

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