Hygiene In Medieval Times

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Medieval Hygiene Hygiene throughout the Middle Ages was a big problem for human health which impacted Medieval social classes. Simple everyday tasks in the Medieval Times became tedious and overall hard to achieve. In the Medieval Era there were many different aspects of an individuals life that contributed to their bad health conditions. The lack of knowledge and resources made simple practices such as: poor sanitation, toileting, and dental care lead to bad health and disease if unattended to in the right fashion. Due to the fact that little knowledge was known about sanitation in the Medieval Times, diseases were very common. According to the Greenwood Encyclopedia on page 181 "Medieval bathing directly contributed to a high rate in disease." Many people would go days on end without taking a bath, which caused skin rashes. However, when people got the opportunity to bathe it was in a community bathtub. Nothing good came from…show more content…
The concept of toileting caused many different diseases to sweep through the Middle Aged societies. However it was not the way people went to the bathroom that they did not get right, it was how they got rid of it. Each bathroom was used by multiple people, and the waste was collected in some type of chamber. Once the chambers filled up they had to dispose of the nasty waste that lingered in the area. Although the waste was not in direct contact with people after they used the bathroom, they eventually came into contact with it. In the Medieval Hygiene Interview Lynda Haxton shares an affect of bad toileting: Humans in the Middle Ages were inflicted much self harm on how they handled their waste. The Bubionic plague was spread at an extremely high rate, partially due to people throwing human waste into the streets. This allowed the rats to obtain and spread the virus very fast. If the society handled their personal waste in a better manner, they would have avoided

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