Why Is Genevra Important In The Great Gatsby

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F.Scott Fitzgerald was a romantic from a young. From 1910 through 1911, he kept a notebook which he titled Thoughtbook of Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (Stewart 29). It contained information about his relationships with girls. In his notebook were many entries about Violet Stockton, whom he won the heart of as boy. In Princeton, his romantic ways would lead him to fall in love with a rich girl named Ginevra, but as he was a poor boy, she later left him for a navy officer. Many people that study his work believe he never really got over being rejected by Genevra and that his books spoke of that. Fitzgerald joined the army in 1917 strictly for social purposes. This way he got many dates that did not care if he was rich or if he was not. This can…show more content…
People believed that the story was about himself being caught up in love with Genevra and being hurt by their breakup years before. Though it appears he put a piece of himself in more than one character. He was like Gatsby because he was a dreamer and believed himself to be more than what his poor family was and would come up with lies about where he was from. Also, he resembled Gatsby as he never got to be with his first real love, Genevra, because he was too poor, just as Gatsby was with Daisy when they had first met. That is also similar to how his first marriage proposal was broke off by Zelda because he was poor, but then he went off to make his fortune and won her back. Instead of dying before getting his girl all the way back like Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald actually got Zelda whom never had married before him, unlike Daisy. He was like Wilson and Tom; he was oblivious to most of his wife’s affair with a Frenchman. Fitzgerald was used to Zelda flirting with multiple man just for fun as she had even when they were courting, so the affair went unnoticed until he did found out and then move away from there, just as Wilson had intended to do with Myrtle. Another parallel in the book is how he wrote that Daisy’s child was raised by a nanny instead of Daisy, just as Fitzgerald’s own daughter was. Scott Fitzgerald had an eye for social class and what it took to appear very impressive to people. Gatsby seemed to be, in ways,…show more content…
When she was 28, she picked up ballet and claimed that was what she was meant to do. She started practicing all the time even at parties until one day she pushed it too far. Afterward she had breakdowns and then was diagnosed with schizophrenia, depression and anxiety. Like all people suffering from any problem, she had gay days and she had very terrible ones. Her terrible days lead her to be put in a hospital for help. This caused there to be many bills to pay and Fitzgerald to drink more. The drinking hindered his writing which caused there to be infinitesimal income. Though Fitzgerald did go back to writing and went to Hollywood for a second time as he had gone many years before. There he helped write screenplays, but these were not nearly as astonishingly wrote as his books and short stories. After a portion of time, he quit writing screenplays. Then he quit drinking so he could write more and pay for all his bills including Scottie’s schooling and his wife’s hospital bills. He was working on his fifth book when he died. Unfortunately, he died believing he was a failure, when really he would not be known as to be any less than a success years after he had died. During his time alive, some people enjoyed his writings, especially his first novel, but as time went on his writings became decreasingly popular to people. If he had looked across the world of who is reading or has read

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