The Role Of American Imperialism In The Late 19th And Early 20th Century

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During the late 19th and early 20th century it was a time of economic expansion and colonization in the regions of Asian and Africa. This massive expansion was mainly powered by Europeans; soon enough the United States wanted to conquer land out the continental boundaries. The Americans belief of Manifest Destiny saying it is a “God-given right to spread the values of white civilization…” (Ch. 17 Pg. 193) The reason for this was because the U.S no longer wanted to remain isolated and to grow economic power. In the 1890’s a depression of money accrued causing businesses to look for commercial expansion overseas. In order to become an economic house power the United States had to dominate international commerce. Thus, the formation of the Monroe Doctrine was made warning European power to stay away from the western hemisphere or risk going to war.…show more content…
John Hay proposed a series of notes called “Open Door” which soon became an international policy called “Open Door Policy”. This led to conquering Hawaii and overthrowing Queen Lili’uokalani obtaining more resources like sugar. The U.S soon became hungrier for power which then involved the Spanish American war and the Filipino war. Cuban natives revolted against Spain for independence as the same for the Philippines. Emilio Aguinaldo openly greeted U.S troops for independence but soon turned against them once it became know that the U.S wanted to control over the land. United States didn’t annexed Cuba create the Platt Amendment, making American military intertwine whenever it was necessary in Cuban soil. Hawaii, Philippines, and Guam opened access to China, guaranteeing business and export

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