The Pros And Cons Of Japanese Internment

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“We were American citizens. We were incarcerated by our American government in American internment camps here in the United States. The term Japanese internment camps is both grammatically and factually incorrect.” Americans were not justified for creating Japanese prisons. Taking someone from their home and making them leave is terrible. Just because someone is from a decent or are from a country does not dictate how they are. The American government created these camps not because of safety, but because out of racial prejudice, out of fear, and also at this point they were no better than the Nazis. It is easier to identify someone who is Japanese then someone who is Italian or German because of simple skin color and overall physical appearance. It was easier to just put Japanese in camps then it was to put Italians or Germans into camps. “Document C: The crisis” states, “From a military point of view, the only danger on this coast is from Germany and Italy… But the American government has not taken any such high-handed action against Germans or Italians - and their American-born descendants-on the East Coast, as has been taken against Japanese and their American-born descendants on the West Coast. Germans and…show more content…
Germany! The United States was fighting against a country that was holding people in camps yet they were doing the same thing. The article, “Japanese-American Internment,” states, “Over a hundred thousand citizens were ordered to go to control centers where Japanese Americans were put on trains, buses, cars and trucks taking only what they could carry to one of ten internment camps. Often families were separated and camps were isolated with barracks and barbed wire surrounding them.” It is truly devastating that American citizens were treated like prisoners and that the U. S were no better than the “enemies” in World War 2. That the government had stooped down to their

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