The Pros And Cons Of Gmos

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During the past decades GMOs have taken over major debates and many groups have decided to either take a stance with or against them. GMOs were created by the science branch of bioengineering and are genetically modified plants and animals or organisms in general. The idea behind this practice is to increase food production at a cheaper price by injecting different types of drugs into the products to change their DNA structure. This then increases their size and how long they can stay ripe. Think of it as steroids for food but on a much more complex level. The dramatic dependency of GMOs through the past years has made us look at the economic impact it has on our society, how it affects our health, and whether, us, mere human beings find it appropriate to tamper with nature. Although many don't have any interest whatsoever, it should come to their attention that we take a daily dose of it every day and therefore are being directly affected.…show more content…
The FDA requires testing for GM and non-GM product to ensure regulation standards and safety measures are met. When tested on plant and animal feeds the GM companies deliver satisfactory test results and the consumer shows no sign of any health deterioration. This has thus increased the willingness of individuals to invest in this science. However pro-organic activist argue that although the products are tested, the test are not a reflection of the long-term effect consuming this product ought to deliver. For example some scientist have discovered that some genetically modified products are bound to deliver precancerous cells. Whereas the non-GM products grown in a pesticide free environment can develop phenols and when consume can help the body fight of cancer. Although there is some risk, it is very minimum and enough to satisfy the
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