The Pros And Cons Of Fracking

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The Cost of Fracking Rough Draft There are a lot of things in the world that have consequences. Some are worse than others. Some things are ignored because the pros outweigh the cons. Fracking is a prime example of something that is important, but costly. It is a very controversial subject, and with any controversy, there are people who take sides. Fracking is used to extract oil from deep within the ground that could not previously be reached, but has a negative impact on nearby wells, the future environment, and even the people around it. Hydraulic fracking was invented in 1947 but did not become popular in America until 1998. Texas was the first to put fracking into use. Vermont, in 2012, was the first one to ban it. Fracking has evolved through the years with improvements in several aspects, the most important being the chemicals that is caused by fracking. Some companies are attempting to make a chemical of their own that will counteract the deadly chemicals in the fracking process. Fracking does a good job of putting cracks down in the earth for the oil to seep through, but it does a bad job of keeping it contained. When oil and gases make their…show more content…
The cracks in the earth are made by blasting water mixed with sand and various chemicals at a very high pressure a few miles down into the earth. The main chemical is hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide is made by the action of acids on sulfides, the result is a poisonous gas that has the smell of rotten eggs. As odd as it is, the smell is the only benefit of the gas. If there is a dangerous amount of it, you can smell it in time to put on a gas mask or get out of the area. What can’t be avoided from the chemicals, is the impact it has on the environment. The effects are not visual or recordable in the present day, but continuous use of fracking can make the air toxic in the future, pollute entire areas, and even speed up global

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