however, if you end up traveling with a group. You have to establish rules to some extent, someone has to be in charge, and you have to know the capabilities of each person, and what skills and knowledge each person brings to the table. There are pros and cons when moving as a group. There is safety in numbers even if it is only psychological. Simply having an extra set of hands to
 37 Advantages and disadvantages As we have seen, the utilization of big data in business can bring both pros and cons; the biggest pro is the possibility of increasing efficiency thanks to a better knowledge of customers, while the biggest issue concern privacy. Summing up the different aspects big data might bring when introduced in a business environment we have: ADVANTAGES:
person and time to time and moreover this sector has a large consumer base and lot of revenue comes from this sector. But we can see that every aspect has some advantages and disadvantages so does the data analysis area, there certainly are some pros and cons. We can see that providing consistent information is a tough task and it is not always that a data will be able to provide everything, this certainly is a big disadvantage and moreover we see