The Pros And Cons Of Colorism

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In a house of five similar looking children, the difference in one child would change my perspective on the world completely. My sister Falesha, the oldest after me, is merely 14 years old. She shares most of the same features as me, acts like me at times, and often wears my clothes, but the fact remains that no matter how homologous we are, Falesha will always feel inferior. Why is it that? Is it because she is younger than me? Is it because I have raised the bar so high that she will never meet the standards of her multifaceted elder sister? While I would love for the aforementioned to be the case, the problem is simply her skin; Falesha is dark-skinned. Our other siblings and I are of a fair-skinned complexion, while Falesha is on the chocolate spectrum. Now we make it a point in my family to treat…show more content…
17). As Alice Walker defines it, colorism is the “prejudicial or preferential treatment of same-race people based solely on their color (Walker, 1983)”. Colorism is the most important issue in my community as a woman of color because it is a new branch of racism. What makes colorism more sensitive than racism is that it can be operated within and across ethnic groups (Bonilla-Silva, 2009). This poses as a social detriment not only in the women’s community, but primarily in the community of African-American women; it allows women of the same race to degrade each other and furthermore be degraded by anyone else. Light-skinned girls are “bougie.” Dark-skinned girls are intemperate. How did this notion come about and what can we do to stop it? Colorism plays a major part in our everyday lives whether we realize or not. With its origins stemming 400+ years, it remains a global issue. In discussing colorism, I will highlight the history, the affected women, and the effects on public culture, while proposing solutions on the

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