The Pros And Cons Of Coexistence

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Coexistence is the state in which two or more things exist together usually temporarily and with or without mutual relationship. A wide range of animals practise coexistence either between allopatric or sympatric organisms, these organisms includes Bees, Lizards, Birds, Ants etc which could be either through character displacement or resource partitioning . Character displacement is the phenomenon where differences among similar species whose distributions overlap geographically are accentuated in regions where the species co-occur, but are minimized or lost where the species distributions do not overlap while Resource partitioning is the process whereby same species exploit resources in the limited form in an ecological area without one species forcing or expelling the others into extinction, they derive mechanisms through natural selection whereby each species adopts a pattern of resource usage that isn't competitive. A lot of studies have been carried out in various countries on co existence using different organisms as model, In North America and Europe bumblebee communities (Bombus spp.) consist of a number of species that are ecologically the same (Pekkarinen., 1984), which are major or chief generalist pollinators in temperate agricultural landscapes (Williams 1995; Kearns et al., 1998, Corbet., 2000). Early studies on coexistence of bumblebees indicate that differences in the proboscis lengths of the…show more content…
Bombus gerstäckeri) (von Hagen., 1994). Long-tongued species (e.g. B. pascuorum, Bombus hortorum) usually collect both nectar and pollen on their foraging bouts, whereas short-tongued species (e.g. Bombus lucorum) perform foraging bouts on which they only collect pollen (Brian., 1957, Heinrich., 1979). This behavioural dissimilarity may also result in the partitioning of floral resources, as only short-tongued species exploit flowers that do not provide any

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