Osama Bin Laden's Leadership

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Leadership plays an important role in the success or failure of any organization. Founders of organizations usually have a general plan on the starting and continuity of such groups. Osama bin Laden not only played a founding role to Al-Qaeda, a terrorist organization, but also offered the required leadership and direction for its growth into a global conglomerate. According to Lüsted (2012), the killing of Osama by the US commandos in Abbottabad, Pakistan affected the group’s leadership and image. There are no doubt on Osama bin Laden’s achievements with regard to expanding of terrorist related activities across the globe. He masterminded radical attacks against the US and her allies. He successfully arranged attacks in the 1990s including the 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. His other major hits included the 9/11 attacks of 2001, as well as those in Bali, London and Madrid. Osama’s personality and charisma drew young recruits from many regions consisting of Arabs, Westerners and South Asians (Landau, 2012). It has been hard for the group to find his replacement over the years (Roth & Shaher, 2011). These new recruits…show more content…
The number of organized terrorist activities by the group has over the years significantly reduced. Leadership wrangles have escalated within the group leading to a disruption in the flow of information among the members. The killing of Atiyah al-Rahman, his deputy who aided planning and execution worsened the situation. Further, the group’s affiliate bodies such as Taliban and Combat are not obsessed with extremism and are no longer interested in declaring war against the west. The expansion of anti-terrorism campaigns following the 9/11 attacks made planning and execution of a similar attack hard for the group. The use of drone strikes by the US on the organization’s top leadership has significantly neutralized Al-Qaeda (Gartenstein- Ross,

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