The Pride Of Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

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Odysseus is one of the most well known epic heros. He seems more godlike than human, using his wit as a weapon in the trojan war, and to survive his many trials. Although Odysseus plays the role of a hero he is still a human man and not a god, he greatly struggles from hubris, or excessive pride. Throughout the epic poem Odysseus’ pride and arrogance gets in the way of his journey home to Penelope. One of the most obvious points of Odysseus pride is when he tells polyphemus his name, getting him in trouble with Poseidon. Odysseus and his man could have escaped the cyclopes with no harm if he did not stop to tell Poseidon's son his name. Odysseus may be an ordinary man but he is also an epic hero, he was able to fight off one hundred and
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