The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas By Le Guin

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Somewhere at the beginning of The Ones Who Walk away from Omelas, Le Guin does suggest to the reader to find his or her own description of the city of Omelas. Her suggestion leaves the reader with countless possibilities because they must answer the questions she poses along the narration. However, I believe that unless I was on drooz would I perfectly describe this utopian city with its beautiful buildings, prancing horses and happiness. For I can spot myself taking part in the Festival of Summer amidst these people, but I know I would remain a misfit since I come from a different society. This allows me to appreciate the author’s suggestion and explore my own reality just to see how it affects my desires and needs. Anyway, my feelings for Omelas changed when I happened upon the child in the cellar and I realized that such perfection requires society to sacrifice its morality. Perfection is imperfect…show more content…
This little nudge had me thinking about why she wrote happiness is based on a just discrimination of what is necessary… and what is destructive. The word discrimination stood out more when I read that the child’s fate guarantees Omelas’ perfect existence. Evidently, this raised some concern since Omelas has comparable elements found in our modern society like religion or central heating if I accepted this in my imaginations. The long scene setting begins to shatter, and all I saw was the fault in the system that sacrifices a child for its own comfort. I agree that every society member has a role to play and various conditions exist that enable its continuation such as the disparities in quality life. As a result, one can become too busy living to care about others. This does not mean the society’s problems go away; in other words, just like Omelas we can choose to hide it in a cellar and let the guilt consume us or live
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