Le Guin And More: A Comparative Analysis

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Ursula Le Guin and Thomas More both create societies that are believed to be utopias. They are both two very different depictions of a “perfect” society with many flaws hidden in between the lines. These utopias are perfect on the outside but on the inside someone is suffering whether it is recognized or not. In both Le Guin’s “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas”, and Thomas More’s “Utopia”, it is noticeable that the narrators are neutral in depicting details of each society. Ultimately, Le Guin and More show us that on the surface, these utopias look perfect but internally their systems are broken and that “perfect” is virtually unattainable. “Omelas” is a Utopian city that encases a great deal of happiness for most citizens accept one. A lonely, abused and mistreated child is locked in a closet and left to suffer for the rest of its life. This child is a known piece of Omelas society and anyone older than adolescence is aware of what goes on. Those who choose to walk away are the ones that do not agree with the ways of Omelas society. These actions of ignorance beg a question of morality in the citizens of Omelas as well as the decisions of those who walked away. Bruce…show more content…
Class systems, however are not included in perfect societies because they can create jealousy and animosity between citizens. Like Jean-Francois Vernay addresses in his critical essay, “Thomas More’s Utopia broaches the political issue of the commonwealth…” which basically is saying that if there is an upper and lower class chances are higher that upper class will be taken care of better than the lower class would be. This class system is the beginning of the end of our once perfect utopian picture as it starts to crumble down with dystopian

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