The Nature Of The Beast: Frankenstein By Mary Shelley

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Holden Sill Critical approach paper Ap Lit Cardell Hour 6 The Nature of the Beast The year is 1816 were at the beginning of the 19th century.The enlightenment era has just ended and people are continuing to do great things in science and other fields of study. Mary Shelley, Lord Byron, and Percy Shelley embark on a scary story writing competition. Mary Shelley at first has writer’s block until she has a nightmare one night about the story she will write called Frankenstein. Frankenstein not only is a excellent scary story, but it also reflects the thoughts and people of the time. Frankenstein is a warning to the people that some things can not be controlled at humans and need to stay controled by nature and God. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein…show more content…
The creation scene shows not only the madness of Victor Frankenstein, but also the curse of going against God and nature in the pursuit of life. Frankenstein becomes obsessed on the idea of being able to create life or to reanimate it. We see him start to lose his mind around chapter 3.”So much has been done, exclaimed the soul of Frankenstein—more, far more, will I achieve; treading in the steps already marked, I will pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation.”(Shelley chapter 3 pg4)Victor refers to himself in the 3rd person showing him starting to lose his grip on reality and being consumed by his experiment. This shows Frankenstein trying to go against God and nature and create his own human by him playing God. “Frankenstein’s going against nature also ends in disaster. He is going against disaster by giving life back to the dead and thus breaking the circle…show more content…
Victor starts slipping towards the brink of insanity when the monster asks him for a bride. “The monster asks only one thing of Victor—that he create a mate with whom he may spend the rest of his miserable days, an Eve to his Adam; one like himself, monstrous and outcast. During his plea to Victor, the monster is ironically characterized as both more human and more civilized than his maker is. He is both convincing and eloquent in his arguments.”(Salem Press) The monster has become smarter than his creator as seen through its argument. Due to Victor being close to insane he fails to see all the pain he has caused his child (the monster). He is blind to how he should treat his creation like any other human, even with its horrid appearance. Now that the monster is smarter than his creator he sees that nature is punishing Victor for his making him."Shall each man," cried he, "find a wife for his bosom, and each beast have his mate, and I be alone? I had feelings of affection, and they were requited by detestation and scorn. Man! You may hate, but beware! Your hours will pass in dread and misery, and soon the bolt will fall which must ravish from you your happiness forever.” (Shelley Chapter 20 page 11) The monster hates Victor for not only abandoning him, but for also refusing to make him a companion in

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