Comparison: Dr. Martin Luther King And The Civil Rights Movement

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Parker Gorecki Comparison Essay Draft 2 The Civil Rights era was a difficult time for colored men and women. Blacks and whites were segregated with “separate but equal” facilities, which gave African-Americans access to things such as drinking fountains, restaurants, and schools. However, they still did not have basic rights such as voting privileges, or a fair justice system. Colored marchers, boycotters, and other protesters carried out their crusade for freedom, but were met with resistance from white supremacists. Shootings, riots, bombings, and beatings were a regular occurrence as civil rights protesters marched through parts of the south. Equality was far from being a close reality, but the protesters kept…show more content…
King saw, and lived through, the shootings and beatings of the black community, and this pushed him to speak out about the segregation and inequality in america. King’s “I Have a Dream speech,” delivered on August 28, 1963, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., was broadcasted throughout the world, across the nation, and specifically to 250,000 civil rights supporters, both black and white. His speech presented his vision for a better, more just world and his dream that all people would have equal rights and a fair chance for well-being, no matter the color of their skin. King said in his speech, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character,” (5). This quote shows that King believed that his children would one day be accepted and judged by who he or she was inside, and not by the color of their skin. While millions of blacks were being harmed and put in jail, he had the idealistic belief that one day it would all go away, and that everyone would be judged by their…show more content…
One of the most popular marches was the Montgomery bus boycott, which was held in 1965 and lasted an entire year. The protest began with Rosa Parks, who was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white person while on a bus. The next day, King proposed a boycott of the public transportation system: black men and women would no longer use the busses to get to and from work. This proved to be effective eventually, because a majority of the transit’s paying customers were the principle boycotters. King’s boycott of the bus company was a direct action towards the government oppressing black people. The boycott created an issue that needed to be addressed. King writes in his "Letter from Birmingham Jail", written for eight clergymen but was first distributed and published publicly, about the unjust reasons behind why he was put in jail, and about his disappointment in the clergymen for not standing up for the black communities. He said, “Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue,” (Letter 10). This quote explains why he used his peaceful protest. He believed that his peaceful protests would be heard and acted upon, and eventually reach a point of negotiation on a topic that had yet to be discussed. King used peaceful protest as a way to force a

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