The Murder And Jig From Hills Like White Elephants

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The Minority is the New Majority Many people have felt the felling that he or she did not belong in a group. In the short story The Murder by Ray Bradbury is about a man, named Mr. Brock also known as The Murder, who destroys electrical devices because the devices makes to much noise for him. The story is in the third person with the Mr. Brock and the psychiatrist. Mr. Brock is at a mental hospital and the psychiatrist is there asking Brock his story of the killing of electrical devices. Jig from Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway is a short story similar to The Murder that has to do with the decision of abortion. Mr. Brock from The Murder and Jig from Hills Like White Elephants are two characters that are pushed to conform to the majority. Mr. Brock and Jig have a hard time conforming to the majority. Mr. Brock is looked down upon because he hates the constant noise coming from devices. Mr.Brock states that he was laughed at his views and explains, “And I,” said Brock, “am that thing best called a minority. I did join fraternities, picket, pass petitions, take it to court. Year after year I protested. Everyone…show more content…
Brook and Jig decision to not follow majority is the right thing. It was the right decision in the case of Mr. Brock because the silence was what made him happy. I don't think going to the extremes he went to achieve the happiness was entirely justifiable, but he strived for happiness. The majority is not always correct because sometime the majority gets the message but not always the meaning. Jig decision to resist having the abortion to conform to majority is a great example why sometimes majority is not always right. Majority can be cruel sometimes because the majority doesn't always want to hear the reason for the resistance. Jig tries to change the mind of the boyfriend but he is to stubborn to change his mind. Jig knows the right decision and stayed with her decision no matter how tempting it was to change her

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