Hard Times Frankenstein

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Normal society today consists of a job for money, a house for shelter, friends for comfort, and a family for pleasure. However, people in today’s culture are overlooked or misunderstood by how they dress, their lifestyle, and by whom they spend time with. Mary Shelley and Charles Dickens display the issue of humans fitting into society using their novels Frankenstein as well as Hard Times. Shelley uses Frankenstein to display how people’s differences distance them away from society. Charles Dickens uses Hard Times to project that lifestyle and beliefs cause society to view one differently. Due to Mary Shelley and Charles Dickens novels, fitting into society is complicated and leads to issues, which will be a problem for the generations to…show more content…
In the novel Frankenstein, Shelley introduces this matter when she discusses the monsters characteristics when she writes, “now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart” (35). Here Shelley is describing Victor’s thoughts concerning the monster; how absolutely disgusted he is with his creation. He put so much time and effort behind this project only to realize it is the ugliest thing he had ever seen. His creator rejects the monster before he even knew anything about life or society. The monster had no choice in what he looked like. It is the same way with the human race we don’t get to pick what we look like. This shows the idea of how we don’t get to choose our looks however it is one of the biggest impacts on how people view us. Later in the novel after Victor abandons the monster, the monster searches for a woman. After spending a few days in the real world he realizes he is different and is not accepted by civilization. The monster is ugly and rejected from humanity, because Victor created him…show more content…
She is a positive force in an extremely machine driven town. Sissy expresses her emotion in a town that is emotionless she is caring, kind, and loving. In Hard Times Dickens shows how Sissy has a hard time fitting in at school when he writes, “Now, what I want is Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts” (1). In the novel Sissy couldn’t define a horse with straight facts and is mocked for not being able to do this task. This caused Sissy to feel nonessential to this school because of her creative mind. This shows that there is no imagination taught in Coketown, just cold hard facts. This is relatable to this day because some people do not enjoy learning or going to school. Many kids today feel unwanted by their school community because their views vary from others. Feeling nonessential Sissy has the of running away; Dickens writes, “Sissy Jupe had not an easy time of it between Mr. M’Choakumchild and Mrs. Gradgrind, and was not without strong impulses in the first months of her probation, to run away” (41). Although sissy does not run away from Coketown she shows how being shunned leads to poor decisions. Running away from someone's problems is one of the hardest things with fitting in. If one does not fit into the community he or she will want to search out a place where they feel like they belong. There are so many issues shown in the
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