The Many Forms Of Moral Leadership In Starbucks

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MORAL LEADERSHIP A leader comes in many forms. Leaders have always been defined as someone who leads a party or a group, a person who guides us to a certain accomplishment. However, Leaders are not always just about leading somebody. Leaders are someone we look up to, someone who inspired us, someone who can turn ordinary things into something extraordinary. Leadership skills can be learnt and thought throughout times. Everyone can be a leader and everyone needs one. Hence, moral leadership has actually happen all around us. Moral leaders are unnecessary to be someone big who is big and famous. As describe before, moral leaders are people that we look up to, who guide us to a common cause by using ethical values. A boss might as well be a moral leader who can motivate and inspire their co-workers and also takes suggestion from the people around them which results to a more enjoyable work space which benefits the company. Furthermore, persuasive and charismatic characters also apply with moral leadership styles. Prioritizing other people’s needs rather than using power for themselves makes them different than ordinary leadership style. For example, moral leadership doesn’t mean ignoring profit…show more content…
The coffee giant offers insurance benefits, stock options and retirement plans. But back in 1997, Starbucks faced a crisis when tragedy struck and three employees were killed during a robbery in Washington, D.C. The outstanding leadership of CEO Howard Schultz was demonstrated when he flew straight to D.C. and spent a week with the co-workers and families of the three employees. While some leaders might have stayed as far away as possible from this tragic situation, Shultz’s natural leadership traits prevailed. With compassion, approachability and a dedication to meeting his partners’ needs, he did what was right. As a result, the public viewed him and Starbucks more

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