Joseph Goebbels Analysis

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also been seen in other communist, fascist or dictatorial societies happening at the same time. He censored everything he thought was a possible threat to Nazis or the plan to their future. There were censored press, different kinds of literature and theatre. However, it is interesting the fact that Goebbels did not pay attention at all to arts and music in general. It is important to mention that no matter how much effort he put into limiting and censoring materials taught in other areas of everyday life, for example in high schools, he could not manage to get through their borders. Goebbels was not very popular for his extreme and strict policies in the culture area. However he was made to act strictly due to the continuous pressure from nationalist extremists, to whom he often ceased to resist and did what they told him to do, using every way to get it. As we said above, Goebbels was really good in what he did, he was a master in propagandism. At the same time, he was very intelligent and pragmatic. He knew what he had to do and knew also how to achieve it in the best most profitable way. Goebbels put his principles and knowledge at use. According to him, even the most devoted Nazi as a listener would get tired…show more content…
Magda Ritschel was the woman he married in 1931. Coming the upper middle class, she fitted perfectly with Goebbels, giving him six children. However, Goebbels was not completely content with his marriage apparently. Between 1937 and 1938, it came to light his extramarital affair with a Czechoslovakian movie star. It seems that the relationship was so intense that Goebbels was on the verge to leave behind his family and his carefully constructed career for her. His personal life obviously affected his career. From 1937 until the breakout of World War II his role was diminishing and his influence was experiencing problems, by not being as great as it had

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