The Lucifer Effect Maus 2 Analysis

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Within the writings of Art Spiegelman, Maus I and Maus II, readers explore the world of Spiegelman’s father, Vladek, during World War II and the Holocaust. The readers clearly see the way the Jewish people are mistreated by the German and Polish soldiers who were “trained” to treat these people in such a horrible manner. The Jewish people were forced to go through different forms of harsh treatment by the German and Polish soldiers, such as physical abuse, unjust killings, and starvation. Throughout both Maus I and Maus II Spiegelman reveals the harsh reality of the Holocaust through the words of his father and drawings that go along with them. Going through the graphic novel, the readers see what Vladek experiences as he tells his tale to…show more content…
Zimbrano’s thoughts on propaganda and dehumanization in the war elaborates on this idea in that for propaganda to work the people must have “hostile imaginations” meaning by the use of propaganda people are able to “transform those others into “the enemy.”” (Zimbrano, 11). Zimbrano is stating that a person already has to have evil imbedded in their minds and with a little push it can come out. He also goes on to say that the army and the government as a system creates a chaotic situation. With the influence of propaganda creating “the enemy,” the army and government allows for barbaric and torturous actions towards “the others,” such as the actions in Rwanda, China, and the Holocaust. Making the Jewish people “the others” takes away their identities and their humanity, so when Vladek speaks of observing how the German and Polish soldiers are treating the Jews harshly, he is viewing the “hostile mind” in

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