The Last Supper: Synoptic Gospels

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The Last Supper is documented in three of the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew 26:17-30; Mark 14:12-26; Luke 22:7-38). It was both a Passover meal and the last meal Jesus had with His 12 apostles which took place hours before His arrest and crucifixion. He knew the meal would be His last opportunity to teach and establish divine principles when He met with His disciples. The last meal had been involved added meaning, as Jesus himself assumed the role of the sacrificial lamb. He used two common elements as symbols of His body and blood to indicate the fact that his body to be torn apart. And He initiated His apostles to be a monument to His death. Jesus commanded apostles to remember what He was going to do on behalf of all mankind: shedding His blood…show more content…
Jesus was conveying us to remember this and do this ‘ceremony’ in remembrance of his sufferings. He instructed this was a ‘ceremony’ which must be continued in the future. It indicated the Passover, which required slaughtering a lamb without defect as a substitute of our sins and looked forward to the coming of the Lamb of God who would take away the sin of the world, was fulfilled in the Lord’s Supper. The Last Supper, including the bread and wine, form part of the Lord’s Supper today. Like the Passover, the Lord’s Supper was instituted to help us remember the suffering from Jesus for our…show more content…
These were His substitutes for the animal sacrifices at the Temple. When He said, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them.” (John 6:56), this meant that the wine and bread were replacing the blood and flesh of lambs being sacrificed at the Temple. After giving the symbolic meanings of wine and bread, Jesus taught another important principle of servanthood for living a Christian life: the greatest are those who serve others, not those who expect to be served (Luke 22:26). In reference to Jesus served in the role of a low-ranking slave by washed His disciples’ feet that He wrapped a towel around his waist and poured a basin of water, this forever characterizes His followers: “You also should wash one another’s feet... You should do as I have done for you.” (John

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