Billy Pilgrim's Use Of Chronological Order In Slaughterhouse Five

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Slaughterhouse Five Why does the author end and start with “poo-tee-weet”? Is it a symbol of continuity and the circle of life? Was Billy's life's non-linear format included in order to showcase how the events in order do not matter, merely that they occurred? Does his time as a POW and the trauma of the war warp his mind and make him start the journey through time? Why does this happen if his time as a POW is not unbearable? Is it the lack of freedom that he feels when in this situation? If Billy has never really felt free or been independent, why does this control cause him to snap? Why does Billy start and end his timeline (not the order of events in the story, but the chronological order) the same way? Why does he start out under the control of others (the other soldiers) and end under someone else's control (his daughter, Barbara)? Is that an effect of his decision that there is no free will and everyone is predisposed to their lives? Why does the author include so much repetition?…show more content…
Were the aliens supposed to represent Billy Pilgrim's emotional isolation from his peers? Was their omniscience intended to give insight as to why Billy was unstuck in time? Why was Billy chosen by the aliens? Why was Montana Wildhack his companion? Does Billy use the imaginings of his abduction in order to rationalize the pain and death he has seen in war? How does this free

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