The Key Causes And Complications Of The Columbian-Neo Exchange

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The Columbian-Neo exchange describes the interchange or transfer of disease, plants, humans, technology, animals and culture from the old world to the Americas-including the Caribbean countries. This occurred as a result of Columbus’ arrival in 1492 which significantly benefited European countries while having a devastating toll on the Caribbean. On October 11, 1942 Christopher Columbus and his crew arrived on the Bahamas, marking the connection between the old and new worlds. Upon arrival they encountered native Indians who believe them to be gods. Though few environmental aspects were similar; some plant life grew both in the Caribbean and in Europe, there were some very distinct differences in others. One of the problems they faced after their discovery was the availability of grapes to create wine for their celebrations.…show more content…
The tropical having been seen as a key component in this success, they can provide crops and labour that generate wealth for the Spanish and European powers. One problem with using the landscape to support the abundant agriculture was that fact that the landscape could not properly produce the necessities without intervention. According to Melville (1994) landscapes are not static, they are constantly changing, and the Caribbean landscape specifically would require much ecological innovation. To combat this, there were various waves of importation of people, exotic animals and plants, the suitable landscape had to be created if it had not already…show more content…
It brought foreign species of goods to the old world which were evidently beneficial and gave way to nutritional improvements such as; potatoes and maize. Then the discovery of the new world provided conquistadors with vast lands of virgin soil, suited for cultivation of crops high in demand. Crops like coffee, sugar cane, and

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