The Journey In Le Guin's A Wizard Of Earthsea

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As the journey of life is full of challenges and thresholds around its circle, there are also ways how someone able to tackle them in different means. We all experience what it is like to try new and adventurous paths. Whether it is small or big challenges, most of us might have experienced such hardships. With these circles of journey, we learn from our weaknesses and strengths to utilize our own naturally given qualifications to do something. In A Wizard of Earthsea, by Le Guin, Ged as a young wizard he didn’t know how much power he had and how to use it. However, after his mother’s death, his aunt was the next guardian and realized that he could be a great person in the future. This reminds me that we human beings don’t realize our own positive side unless we failed in a certain activities. Ged was too young to understand his power though he was such a gifted person. ‘Warrior in The Mist’ is the beginning point of Ged’s power that…show more content…
“A hero ventures forth from the world of common day in to a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won….” (Campbell 30). Ged was tested his first path to show his power and to separate from the villages ideas showing his ability of doing whatever he wants. According Campbell, the path to victory requires separation, initiation, and return. Mythological translating, the mist and the fog are the thresholds that Ged must to challenge them along with the stiff cliffs of adventures. All the Kargad raiders were defeated tremendously in the battle by Ged. He used a tricked fog to hide the people the Gont Island so that to attack the enemies those who were supposed to invade the village. The villages, even those who were hiding in caves from the war, admired his power over the victory. Ged soon became the symbol of his

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