The Internet A Clear And Present Danger Analysis

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The Dangers of Children and the Internet Stefanie Dominguez Capella University Explanation of Online Dangers In “The Internet: A Clear and Present Danger?” written by Cathleen Cleaver, she discusses the dangers of children on the internet. Many children nowadays use or have access to the internet. But, most parents are blinded by all the benefits the internet has to offer, and fail to notice the internet can be a dangerous place for children. Although the internet may have many benefits to children, it also contains online dangers such as identity formation and protection, online predators, and exposure to sexually explicit material. Identity Formation and Protection Numerous websites allow users of all ages to socially interact…show more content…
Communicate the dangers of being online with your children. Regulate your children on the Internet as you would screen what films and TV shows they watch. You would not let your children open the door to a stranger, so don't give them a chance to spend extend periods of time online alone. Utilizing items that can be bought in computer stores and on the internet, you can track your kid's utilization of the Internet and square questionable material from being exposed to your children. This does not mean to limit your involvement on what your children are doing online. Nonetheless, the risks of sexual exposure, online predators, and identity theft are genuine and ought not to be disregarded by parents. Safety measure ought to be utilized to instruct children and teenagers about the internet and how to oversee and maintain a strategic distance from its risks. Pay close attention to your children in light of the fact that, on the off chance that you don't, another person will. References Cleaver, Cathleen. (n.d). The Internet: A Clear and Present Danger? The Prentice Hall essential guide for college writers, (p.346-348). Boston: Prentice Hall. Ktoridou, D., Eteokleous, N., & Zahariadou, A. (2012). Exploring parents' and children's awareness on internet threats in relation to internet safety. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 29(3), 133-143. doi:10.1108/10650741211243157 Whitaker, J. L., & Bushman, B. J. (2009). Online dangers: Keeping children and adolescents safe. Washington and Lee Law Review, 66(3),

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