Savagery In Lord Of The Flies Research Paper

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In the book Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Jack and most of the other boys slowly transform from proper, British schoolboys into barbaric, impetuous savages. Is such a scenario caused by their situation or biological factors? Some may argue that savagery in the boys could be a result of their nature. However, it is true that the environment plays a big role in someone’s personality and how he/she might act. On the island, the young boys are left to fend for themselves without the guidance of an adult. Furthermore, the only food on the island is fruit, which causes the boys to viciously hunt for meat. In addition to this, the naïvety of the “littluns” causes an irrational fear of the beast, and leads to Jack becoming their leader. The factors of their environment such as the lack of adults on the island, the boys’…show more content…
When “Roger gathered a handful of stones and began to throw them,” and starts to feel “the taboo of old life,” it illustrates that the lack of adults gives him the freedom to be cruel (Golding 62). Roger knows of his wrongdoing, but continues to taunt the little boy because his new environment permits him to do so. Similarly, the book illustrates the importance of a grownup by saying, “Grownups know things…They wouldn’t set fire to the island…Or break my specs” (94). Opponents may argue that the environment should not have altered the boys’ civilized ways, as the navy officer says, “I should have thought that a pack of British boys…would have been able to put up a better show than that” (202). However, the oldest boys are only twelve and therefore unable to control themselves, shown when they set the entire jungle on fire (44). If the boys were not in a situation in which they were abandoned without an adult, then the savage actions they had partaken in would not have

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