The Importance Of Covenant Marriage

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Covenant marriages should be required in the place of traditional marriages, making it more difficult for married couples to obtain a divorce because adults who were children of divorce are more likely to have relationship issues, it has a lasting negative impact in everyone involved, and people who are divorced are just as, or sometimes even more, unhappy and well off as those in broken and troubled marriages. Over 45% of marriages in the US end in divorce (Hopf 1). Many people would not be surprised to hear this today, and would agree that it is one of the highest divorce rates in the world. The US’s divorce rates are ridiculously high and has a casual attitude toward divorce and its consequences (Nock 3). In the United States, it is very…show more content…
Covenant marriages were designed to be harder to get out of and enter (Nock 1). Couples have to go through many processes, like marriage counseling to ensure the couple knows each other and the decision that they are about to make. Covenant requires premarital counseling and the couple must sign an affidavit proving their commitment and that they have gone through counseling (Nock 1). They also make marriage harder to get out of. Couples have to go through a very long process to reach divorce, where an honest effort must be shown on both parts to try and find a solution to the problem that has torn them both apart. Divorce from a covenant marriage requires counseling and that the couples “have made a good-faith effort to resolve their difference” (Nock 1). The hearings to get a divorce also last longer in a covenant marriage compared to a traditional marriage. Regular “irretrievably broken” hearings typically last 15 minutes (Watkins 2). This is too short of a period of time to end something that was meant to last for the rest of your…show more content…
It is proven that divorce is very expensive (Hawkins 2). This leaves both the husband and the wife with half, and sometimes even less than half, of the income that they were bringing in. This sudden fluctuation of earnings would require drastic adjustments in a very short period of time. Divorce often leads single families to move to less expensive towns, being provided with weaker schools, higher crime rates and less desirable peer groups (Hopf 3). Children of divorced families would not get the same opportunities to be safe and successful, and have the same scholastic privileges as children living in more expensive towns. Mother’s economic resources decline after divorce, making 50%-75% of their pre-divorce income compared to the 90% made by the father (Hopf 3). This leaves women very financially unstable, and it makes it hard for them to find an affordable home while still paying for food, clothes, and other necessities. Married people have a better quality of life than those divorced (Hawkins 1). And the effects of divorce do more harm than good (Nock 3). People argue that divorce is a positive act when both sides of the marriage are unhappy, but it often shown in studies that there is no increase in happiness, income, and relief of stress and that there is actually a decrease in most factors of divorce. 25% of fathers visit their child on a weekly basis while 20% of fathers have no contact (Hopf 5). This

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