Education On Human Rights: Case Study Of Bahman Beigi

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The Impact of Education on Human Rights: Case Study of Bahman Beigi Heybatollah Najandimanesh, PhD Faculty of Law and Political Sciences Allameh Tabataba`I University Tehran, Iran Fahimeh (Farimah) Mohamadi Kashkooli, LLM Iranian Bar Association (IBA) Attorney at Law Tehran, Iran Abstract- No development may made without education. According to article 26 of Universal Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR), (1948), education is regarded as one the human rights through which the other human rights shall be promoted and protected. There is, therefore, a mutual relationship between education and human rights. Education may be considered as a means in the service of the human rights. To…show more content…
It also introduces education model among the Iranian nomadic groups, awarded the UNESCO international award for fight against illiteracy. After presenting this introduction (I), the article deals with the education as a fundamental human right (II), education as an indispensable means of realizing human rights (III) and Bahman Beigi`s model. It shall be ended with concluding remarks (IV). II. EDUCATION AS A FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHT Education, as human right, has been recognized in a variety of international instruments, such as the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. These instruments recognize a dual nature for education: education as a human right and education as a vital means for realization of other human rights. In this part, the concept, objectives, elements and essential features of education, as a fundamental human right, shall be dealt with. A. Concept of…show more content…
It can develop a one’s sense of self, sense of community, and sense of citizenship. While it is true that the provision of education is costly and multifaceted, a public institution of education needs to be in place to manage the kinds of educational opportunities that are available and to secure the kinds of resources that are necessary. A human rights approach stipulates that there is a duty on the part of all governments, especially wealthy governments, to influence and support the institutional reforms necessary to achieve at least the provision of free basic primary education for all children— an important claim but one that cannot stand alone. It cannot stand alone because it fails to address adequately those cases where children are said to have a right to education but are unable to act on that

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