The Pecking Order Theory

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Yazdanfar and Öhman (2015) propose that age category has a principal role in defining differences in capital structures of firms by effecting the utilization of financing sources and SMEs depend financially on internal equity and short term debt at the beginning of their life cycle. As the firm grows, the share of long term debt also rises, but not significant to be influential. Moreover, if SMEs capital is exhausted and internal finance are not sufficient, external finance is needed but in form of short term debt (Mateev, Poutziouris and Ivanov, 2013). Age in corporate with other factors such as liquidity, asset structure and profitability are effecting companies’ capital structure. Mac an Bhaird and Lucey (2010) reached a counter findings…show more content…
Therefore, the Pecking Order theory would predict a negative relationship between the high level of profitability and the financial leverage of the firm. Mac an Bhaird and Lucey (2010) founds a positive relationship between the profitability of the firm and size and age. This might be explained by the fact, the internal funds is much preferable methods of finance over external debt in order to avoid losing control of the business. Mateev, Poutziouris and Ivanov (2013) have tested Pecking Order theory with panel data analysis of 3,175 SMEs from seven CEE countries during the period 2001–2005. The findings show a strong evidence that high level of profitability is associated with lower leverage; thus, less dependency on external funding. The findings also suggest that results for medium firms are much significant than small firms. Proença, R. Laureano and L. Laureano (2014) analyzed the data of Portugal, and the results show that profitability (this more internal finance) is one of the most factor in determining the capital structure of the firm. Raju and Rajan (2015) confirmed this by conducting a study of 323 Indian firms. Their findings show that profitability and efficiency of SMEs are enhanced by internal finance in contrast with alternative financial…show more content…
Therefore, provided all things the same, high level of tangible assets is related to high level of financial leverage. According to pecking order theory, firm’s aspects such as tangible asset impact the creation of capital structure, therefore, firms with secured tangible assets able to borrow more than firms with risky intangible asset (Myers, 2001). Thus, both theories predict there is a positive relationship between the level of tangible assets and financial obligations. Proença, R. Laureano and L. Laureano(2014), based on a sample of 12,857 from Portugal for the period 2007-2010, show that assets structure is negatively related with short-term debt and positively related with long-term debt; an evidence supporting trade-off theory. Companies with higher levels of tangible assets are expected to demand more debt, as those tangible assets can be used as collateral in case of defeat. Daskalakis et al.,(2013), using data from Greece among different size of firms, found that the ratio of debt is negatively associated with tangible assets; this the ratio of tangible assets has negative relationship with external

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