The Help By Kathryn Stockett: A Literary Analysis

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Black people are disgusting, and inhuman creatures, or at least that's what white people used to believe. Reality is the opposite of this. We learn through Kathryn Stockett's book, The Help, that it is truly the white people that are a disgrace, and those of color are altruistic and kind hearted. In her book, Stockett encourages the opinion that black people are superior to those of white color, despite their lifestyles and society's opinion of them. What better way to lift up one race, by spoiling the appearance of another? Stockett does this several times throughout her book. Readers discover that white doctors "[won't] work on [any] colored person" (359). This only generates hatred toward's white people, who would refuse to help someone just because of their skin color? That cruel someone would be a white person. Not only do we hate white doctors, but we also lose respect for white mothers. "Something [Aibileen] [doesn't] see enough of" is Hilly hugging her own daughter. What kind of mother doesn't hug her own daughter often? A white one. Whats more astounding is that this…show more content…
The further into the book the reader gets, the worse white people seem to be. Queen Bee, Miss Hilly, has taken it upon herself to protect white people from the "different kinds…show more content…
Their section of town was "one big anthill" (15) and they lived in "shaky looking roadside houses" (71). This represents how deprived they were, crammed into one small area, with terrible living conditions. They also needed to learn that "White people [aren't] [their] friends" (46), which shows how different the two races were. The white race was considered better, they lived in bigger houses and refused to associate with colored people unless, it was to hire them. The divide between the two races was

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