“The Gilded Six-Bits” “The Gilded Six-Bits” is a short story written by Zora Neale Hurston. As the story starts, the hero, Joe Banks and the anti-hero, Missie Mae Banks are a happily married newlywed couple. They have a fun loving playful romantic time. “He ran around the house with Missie May at his heels. She overtook him at the kitchen door…. For several minutes the two were… shouting, laughing, twisting, turning, tussling, tickling each other in the ribs” (Litz, 1994, p 434). They are truly
grow wings as ministering angels” (Chopin, p.12). At first anyone would think this Victorian ideology is picturesque, but Chopin instead uses her writing to draw sympathetic emotion towards the absolute opposite. Just like theSpanish birds in the gilded cage at the beginning of the story Edna, is property, she is not understood by those around her, and yearns to be set free. Edna Pointellier longs for nothing more than to abandon her matriarchal duty and dive into a world where desire consumes her