The Gilded Six-Bits

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“The Gilded Six-Bits” “The Gilded Six-Bits” is a short story written by Zora Neale Hurston. As the story starts, the hero, Joe Banks and the anti-hero, Missie Mae Banks are a happily married newlywed couple. They have a fun loving playful romantic time. “He ran around the house with Missie May at his heels. She overtook him at the kitchen door…. For several minutes the two were… shouting, laughing, twisting, turning, tussling, tickling each other in the ribs” (Litz, 1994, p 434). They are truly in love and dedicated to each other. This is the real thing, or is it? This all changes when the third character, Otis D. Slemmons is introduced. The complication in the story begins at the ice cream polar, where they meet Otis Slemmons. He was a womanizer

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