Fire Setting Recidivists

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When conducting a research study, the purpose of the study is the acquire data that will support his or her hypothesis. The researcher will employ various assessment tools to collect data to be analyzed by statistical software (e.g. SPSS), to aide with illustrating the statistical significance. Statistical significance can be determined by significance level or alpha (α). The alpha is set at .05; therefore it indicates the rejection of the null hypothesis only if the date occur by chance of five (Stangor, 2013). When comparing the alpha to the probability value (p-value), indicates the likelihood of the statistic occurring on the basis of the sampling distribution. According to Stangor (2013) he mention if the p-value is lesser than the alpha, the statistically significance is higher; however, if the p-value is greater than the alpha is statistically nonsignificant. Another aspect to consider is the…show more content…
When reviewing psychopathy to fire-setting recidivism, 30% of the sample were fire-setting recidivists; therefore, it did not indicate any relationship between psychopathic traits-fire setting recidivists- and first time fire setters (rejected hypothesis). However, the outcome for psychopathy and versatile fire setters the hypothesis was accepted due to the statistical significance and the effect size indicated an significant higher mean total than those of exclusive ones (Thomsinm et al., 2015). Yonkers, Howell, Allen, Ball, Pantalon, & Rounsaville, (2009) conduct a study with the sample size of (n=14) to examined cognitive behavioral therapy among pregnant substance users to prevent future relapse. The study indicated the women, who attend life and behavioral skill class, attended Alcoholic Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous developed effective coping skills to prevent relapse that those who are not in a structured

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