The Gay Rights Movement And The Gay Liberation Movement

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The gay liberation movement and the gay LGBT rights movement are two movements that have their own differences and distinctions. In the 1960’s the gay liberation movement focused on “legal and social tolerance for lesbians and gay men to a more radical politics that sought to challenge a dominant cultural norms as oppressive” (Bernstein & Taylor 8). In the 1970s the gay liberation movement challenged many cultural norms. Many of these norms challenged were gender, which focused on cultural and social differences of one another. Another is sexual identity or sexual orientation to see whom your sexual attracted to and relationship form. The gay liberation movement was a form of involvement seeking a way to “come out” and being able to be you…show more content…
In 1987 the LGBT movement wanted to fight for marriage and gay rights. They wanted to be seen as equals and believed they had a right to get married just like straight, heterosexual people. They wanted to be respected and seen as equal citizens. They wanted the same rights that heterosexual couples received and their benefits as well. “Regardless of whether or not it was considered desirable LGBT activist believed at the time same sex marriage was a political impossibility”(Bernstein & Taylor 3). By the 1990s gay marriage was on a hunt for social equality. In this time many gays and lesbians were in long-term relationships, during that time another political issue was raised. The emergence of AIDS had many gays and lesbian worried about many things. There concern was legality issues such as how do they reap the legal benefits as well, in this situation. Gay and lesbians relationships were seen as similar to heterosexual marriages in every way. Their lives were comparable, and lead to the adoption and growth of a family. Even though gay marriage wasn’t the norm, it challenged the nuclear family module of having a perfect family. There are some differences between the two movements but they both fight, trying to empower all gays and lesbians to have equal rights. “Many gays and lesbians want to marry or at least want the right to marry in order to become equal respected citizens”(Seidman, 197). Gay…show more content…
In the social construction of the gay and lesbian identity we can see there is more than just one sexual orientation and identity. But can we consider BDSM as one of those? “Sexual orientation is defined as one person being sexually or romantically attracted to another, while sexual identity focuses on sexual acts towards the individual”(Wikipedia 2015). BDSM seems to have both of these attributes. So we can look at BDSM sexual orientation, as being one person attracted to another person who knows the sexual acts of BDSM. The sexual acts like bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, sadism and masochism would be considered the sexual identity. “Still, as weird as the concept of BDSM as an orientation felt when I first thought of it, it also felt right. When I looked back at my memories and previous actions, it was quite obvious that I have always had these needs, desires and fantasies…acknowledging this and applying the word “orientation” to BDSM helped me come to terms with my BDSM identity”(Corey Brown, 374). Corey Brown speaks about how calling this an orientation and an identity helps him believe that he was almost born with this identity inside him. He believed that accepting this helped his life, helped him move forwards and accepted who he has always been deep down inside. When we asked questions to the guest speakers in class they all agreed on

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