“Canada will be a strong country when Canadians of all provinces feel at home in all parts of the country, and when they feel that all Canada belongs to them,” said Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Canada’s fifteenth Prime Minister who resigned in 1984. Trudeau believed that the nation must be strong enough to endure the overwhelming economic and cultural pressures from its vast neighbour, the United States. But most importantly, he believed in a "Just Society," one of his favorite phrases that held many meanings for him. The concept of a Just Society was never just a convenient phrase, it was the inspiration for Trudeau's deepest feelings. He believed that the gap between rich and poor at home and in underdeveloped countries should be reduced. He believed that it was the government's responsibility to provide equal status, equal opportunity, and fair treatment for all. Pierre Elliott Trudeau, one of the finest politicians in Canadian History, served our country well and always kept his dream of a just society intact.…show more content… The Criminal Law Amendment Act also allowed abortion and contraception. Trudeau was the first leader to realize the need of equality for gays and lesbians in Canada. Trudeau fought to eliminate imprisonment and other forms of discrimination for gay and lesbian members of the community. Trudeau was the first leader to realize the need of equality for gays and lesbians in Canada. His support towards homosexuality helped him build a society where there is equal treatment for all. Unquestionably, Trudeau holds the title as a champion for equal