The Dual Nature Of Light During The 1900's

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Have you ever thought wow we know so much about waves, we must have been really smart to be able to know so much? Well the truth is we didn’t always know so much during the 1900’s we actually didn’t know a lot about waves. During this time people would have never thought that that waves are actually similar to the theory of dual light. There was only one person who thought of taking the theory of dual lights and applying it to wavelengths. Louis de Broglie had suggested that matter on the atomic scale might have the properties of a wave; this theory was connected to Einstein. Einstein had suggested that light with short wavelengths were composed of particles, but during this time, the dual nature of light, was still however still in question.…show more content…
He had proposed that waves that fit in the atomic boundaries would have been restricted in shape and movement, shapes that had not fit within the boundaries would be cancelled out In 1923, when Louis had first introduced his idea to the public, he had no experimental evidence whatsoever that the electron, worked the same way as the dual of light theory. When Louis first introduces his idea of “matter waves” it had gotten little attention from other physicists, but a copy of his idea was sent to Einstein, who responded with a lot of enthusiastic. By 1927, Clinton and Lester physics from the United States and George from Scotland, did they finally founded actual evidence to Louis hypothesis. Louis de Broglie was a brilliant French physicist who predicted the wave nature of electrons and suggested that all matter has wave properties. This idea creates the base of quantum mechanics and for his amazing contribution to quantum theory, leading him to win the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1929. While doing research for his PhD thesis he unearthed the wave nature of electrons, leading him to the field of physics, wave

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