The Dictating Decisions In Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin In The Sun

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Lorraine Hansberry’s play, A Raisin in the Sun, expressed that money dictates decisions, good and bad, and Hansberry also showed how a simple house plant could represent a mother’s hope to have her dreams blossom to provide and improve her family’s future. To begin, Hansberry’s showed that money dictates decisions, whether they be right or wrong. The Younger family had a problem with making decisions without consultation with one another, but they were all centered around the fact that they were leaving impoverished. First, a baby would not make the already cramped apartment and bigger or reduce the spending of the family so Ruth Younger knew what she had to do; she put a 5 dollar down-payment on a dangerous abortion. Secondly, Lena Younger decided to turn her back on paying rent for a rat-trap that was then worth maybe four houses a…show more content…
. . ‘“ (1.1) Thirdly, Walter Younger decides he must invest in a liquor store to provide money to his family to make a better life. His decision occupies as the main conflict in Hansberry’s play. Fourthly, Beneatha Younger is pressured to marry for money or for someone who she has similar beliefs, and background, with and is part of her inner turmoil as she starts dating Joseph Asagai, the perfect one, and is pushed towards George Murchison by her family: “‘. . .better marry yourself a man with some loot. . .’” (3) or “‘. . .you wouldn’t marry George Murchison if he asked someday? That pretty, rich thing? Honey, I knew you was odd-’” (1.1). Although Beneatha hasn’t choosen who’d she marry her decisions

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