The Dark Holds No Terror Analysis

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An Evaluative Approach of the Quest for Self Identity in Woman Self in The Dark Holds No Terror Lopa Das Assistant Teacher, Bhabanipur Trigunamoyee Primary School, Murshidabad, West Bengal, email id: Corresponding Email id: Mob no: 7384163423 Abstract:- The novels of Shashi Deshpande revolves around the sufferings and suffocating situation of female section in the contemporary Indian society. The second novel of Shashi Deshpande The Dark Holds No Terror presents the pictures of the various parts of Sarita’s life, the protagonist dividing into four parts. Sarita expresses her heart core desire to get identity which she finds a lack in her many folded life. In the first part Sarita finds a lack of maternal link when she finds herself a…show more content…
Lack of Self:- Shashi Deshpande through her novels points out the existential problem of woman self in this patriarchal society. Shashi Deshpande portrays the caged bird image which presents that a woman lives her life as an inanimate object which has no self that can be recognized as an individual identity. The lack of self and a sense of loneliness in this vast world are echoed by Sarita’s words in The Dark Holds No Terror: “That we are alone. We have to be alone.To be alone? Never a stretching hand? Never a comforting touch? Is it all a fraud then, the eternal cry husband, my life, my children, my parents? Are all human relationships doomed to be a failure?” (ch 3 part 4 page 194-195) The theory of existentialism is found where the struggle to find the meaning of relations and life is tensed to nothingness. The nihilistic approach is found its trace in Sarita’s words. The quest to find out the significance of ‘I’ is portrayed through Shashi Deshpand’s

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