The Concept Of Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)

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The Concept of Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) NGO is reformed with groups of organizations that ranging from small informal groups to large formal agencies. NGO is now recognised as key third sector actors on protection human rights, environment and many other areas. NGO are also participating themselves in conflict resolution as well as international development. Peter Willetts, in his article on “What is a Non-Governmental Organisation”, states the concept of NGO was rising in 1945, which was recognised as an organization, neither government nor member states. Even though we know that NGO is not for profit purpose, nevertheless, but Melissa Molomon and Gloria Somolekae argue that there are still some NGOs are receiving government…show more content…
We understand that NGO could be huge or small, formal or informal. While Steve Charnovitz argues some NGOs are well-resourced and rich, while some are fragile, struggling for their organisations’ survive. Besides, based on our reading, NGO is well-organised by professionals or even volunteers based on their own values. Moreover, Tessa Morris-Suzuki in “For and Against NGOs”, notes that ‘‘NGO is flexible, but they can equally work to maintain existing social and political systems.’’ Also supported by Mogopodi Lekorwe, says that NGOs are more flexible and adaptive than governments, are quick to respond to people’s needs. In addition, Helmut Anheier also argues that NGOs were either legal, economic or functional. But they are still mainly engaged in development or human rights at local, national, and international levels, his view also supported by Cleary, saying that NGO’s objective is on the basis of humanitarian protection and provides basic social services. Evolution of Non-Governmental Organisation…show more content…
NGO on that time was acting as a non-profit movement to focus on the abolition of the slavery issues and movements for peace. In this time period, NGO was discovered and many soon followed. Following of the 20th century, NGOs start to promote their identities and objectives at national and international levels. For example, 132 international associations represented at the World Congress of International Associations in 1910, dealing with transportation issues, intellectual property rights, drugs control, public health issues, agriculture and the protection of nature. NGOs also showed their outstanding for discussing labor rights during the League of Nations after the First World War. But Steve Charnovitz argued the NGO participation in international affairs began spiritless after 1935. In 1945, some NGOs even contributed to the drafting of the UN Charter, UNESCO Charter and WHO Charter. But NGOs again began to lose influence due to Cold War tensions. However, NGO rebirth between 1960s and 70s, by bringing up the discussion towards the causes of war and famine through lobbying and

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