The Common Sense By Thomas Paine Analysis

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Paine supported unrestricted colonial and exercised effective propaganda work in journals, his articles, and as an actor in political life. After the revolution of 1776 he was elected member of the Foreign Policy Committee of the Congress of the colonies, post from which he was fired a few years for revealing secret negotiations in their articles. He returned to England in 1787, and when, the following year, explode the French Revolution will be one of its defenders. A Paine is called "father of American independence." And this consideration due to the common sense. This brief, completely subversive, supports the claims of settlers and criticized the monarchy. Paine's intention was controversial and propaganda, and sought the widest possible audience.…show more content…
In his work, Paine expressed a keen republican sentiment. Staunch enemy of the despotic powers of the absolute monarchy, while conducting a relentless critique of the English parliamentary system configuration that was then, and branding of tyrannical and undemocratic. A parliamentary system like English at the time, which just then was giving, among other bad examples of putting the bad precedent to any other consideration, their imperialist interests in the colonies. Paine was one of the clearest theoretical exponents of essentially political character that had the "American Revolution", noting that the revolt of the settlers was directed against the tyrannical rule of the British Parliament. But the work of Paine proposed independence also other equally important reasons. Paine believed strongly that the American rebels had in their hands the possibility of starting over again the history of the world, this time getting rid of the modes of governance own European cities, modes of government that had proved to be tyrannical and corrupt, even in the seemingly liberal
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