Case Study: The Gardiner Encompasses

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The Gardiner Expressway is an eighteen kilometer highway runs from the Queen Elizabeth Way at Highway 427 to east of the Don Valley Parkway. Therefore, it is considered to be one of the critical transportation infrastructure in the city of Toronto. The structure consists of 342 spans and 14 ramps and was built between 1950s and 1960s. This Highway named after Frederick Gardiner, the first chair of the now defunct Metro Council. (City of Toronto, n.d.) The elevated Gardiner was constructed between 1955 and 1966 and the deck concrete barriers is considered to be at the end of its service life. The decision for the Gardiner East -2.4-kilometre segment of the elevated expressway and Lake Shore Boulevard, from approximately Lower Jarvis Street to…show more content…
This section will attempt to take a look into the many costly options that the city had to choose from and if the hybrid option was the best decision to make financially. The relevance of this topic is how much of an impact it has on the city of Toronto. The hybrid decision to keep a majority of the Gardiner Expressway will most definitely help commuters in the long run but at a much more significant cost to the city. In the end this research project will attempt to dissect the many financial options that the city of Toronto was faced with when having to make their final…show more content…
However with this option, a whole new set of after effects come into play. For example the new land that is generated from the removal of the Expressway opens up territories that can be used for a multitude of purposes. Some suggested that it could make way to real estate developments along the waterfront which would generate a good portion of the money spent to remove it. Environmental Aspect Work plan Task description The tasks are divided among our team to four main subtasks as follow: • Environmental aspects • Transportation aspects • Economical aspects • Structural aspects. For each subtask, the allocated members are required to perform a research and contribute towards the final report and the presentation. In addition, the leader is responsible for organizing and running regular meetings to follow up the progress of tasks. Also, she/he requires to communication the progress of the project with the client (professor) as well as the project submittal. Task coordination To ease the project coordination a Facebook page, a Google Doc, as well as a WhatsApp group were created by our team. Also, regular weekly meeting will be held to update the leader as well as the member regarding the progress of tasks. In

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