The Cask Of Amontillado Literary Analysis

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The setting of a story is just as important to the reader as the story is itself. This allows for a firm grasp of not only the surroundings of the characters, but the atmosphere and mood as well. According to Literary Devices, “the word ‘setting’ is used to identify and establish the time, place and mood of the events of the story.” The author, in this case, Edgar Allen Poe creates a dismal picture of the character Montresor’s mindset as the tale unfolds. The story, “A Cask of Amontillado” by Poe is filled with vengeance, deceit, and darkness throughout to create a gruesome setting. Vengeance was the only option for Montresor to settle the rage he had built upon Fortunato. Montresor states, “The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as best I could, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge.” His decision is made and nothing short of retaliation for the wrong doing that had been inflicted on him would suffice. The plan is to reel Fortunato in with his love for fine wine and subdue him with his own arrogance. The carnival that takes place would allow the perfect setting for Montresor to put his deception on Fortunato into play.…show more content…
He explains to Fortunato that he was on his way to Luchesi’s for advice on the fine wine, knowing Fortunato would object. As Montresor expected, objections were made and Fortunato offers a comparison from his Amontillado located in the catacombs below his home. The deceptive play continues as Montresor assists Fortunato by guiding his steps on the way to the tombs. Once they entered the tombs Montresor offered to turn back knowing that Fortunato’s’ arrogance would drive him further, which it did. The journey through the dark corridor was no different, the deceit continued as Montresor exhibits concern for Fortunato’s chough, or of the “Nitre”, all while focusing on his main

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