The Cask Of Amontillado Literary Analysis

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Revenge is something that is never a good thing to have in one’s mind. It corrupts and spread throughout, causing people to do actions that under normal circumstances wouldn’t. In Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “The Cask of Amontillado”, an out-of-mind former noble seeks revenge by killing the person who brought him down, even though they were friends. To get the theme across to the reader, the author used tools like unreliable narrator, symbolism, and dramatic irony to show his message that revenge corrupts the minds of people, causing them to do unimaginable actions to each other. One of the most significant uses of literary devices that the author was an unreliable narrator, meaning that he did not see the full picture of things. An example…show more content…
Edgar Allan Poe used the “amontillado” as a symbol of hatred or acts of trickery because it was that that led Fortunato to his death. Once Fortunato finally realized this, it was too late, “‘___a very good joke indeed___an excellent jest. We will have many a rich laugh about it at the palazzo...over our wine/The amontillado! I said” (217). The amontillado has been through this story an item that represented the qualities of revenge: tricking others, and hatred. Fortunato’s death through trickery shows that people even do evil actions towards friend when they are seeking revenge. In a way, people do more evil things to friends than enemies because friends know other friends’ weaknesses better than enemies. With that knowledge, the person plotting can pry open that weakness to make the victim’s pain even more excruciating. It is within human nature to seek revenge and double its sting. Fortunato might have only singed Montresor one way or another, but however, Montresor planned revenge and went for the kill. The author used this idea along with symbolism, so that we, the reader can interpret it and take it as a lesson that revenge is very different from bringing

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