Texting While Driving Should Be Banned

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On the internet, we find the definition of texting while driving as the act of composing, sending, reading text messages, emailing, or making other similar use of the web on a mobile phone. This all done while you are operating a motor vehicle. But for me, sending text messages while driving is an act of negligence, which not only endangers our own life, but that of the other drivers. It is extremely irresponsible to drive a vehicle while texting. I think that a law to ban texting while driving should exist for several reasons. For me, the most importance referred to safety of people. Texting while driving can make driving distractions, cause accidents, slow down people’s reactions and make you concentrate on the phone instead of the wheel.…show more content…
Texting while driving leads to increased distraction behind the wheel. One reason I think we should have a law is because it will cause fewer accidents. In her article, “Should Text Messaging While Driving Be Banned? YES”, Carolyn McCarthy states, “Unfortunately, as these devices continue to evolve and become more affordable, their inappropriate and unsafe use continuous to grow as well. I firmly believe that there is a time and place to be texting, but one situation where there is no excuse to be manipulating a hand-held device is while operating a moving vehicle”. (McCarthy Pg.1) She clearly explains in this quote that she is not against technology or cell phones to be specific. She is just trying to say that safety is first and that there is always a time and place for everything. Driving a car might be easy, but it also requires…show more content…
Today we want to do everything so fast, but we should keep in mind that you cannot always do everything at once. People who are texting while are driving are people who think they have control on both, but the fact is that whenever you're texting the rest takes second place. That happened to my aunt. She was in a bus and the bus driver was texting. The other people in the bus didn’t know that, but the thing is that he didn’t see a light turning red and the car in front of him stopped and he didn’t, so he hit the car. Nothing bad happened, but they were just lucky. After that, they found out that the driver was only 20 years old. My aunt has two kids and her life was at risk and in the hands of a young person who was texting while driving. As Carolyn McCarthy states, “Not surprisingly, a recent CBS News/ New York Times concluded that 90 percent of adults believe texting while driving should be illegal”. (McCarthy Pg.2) Young drivers like to be texting all time. I do like to text but no when I’m driving. Thanks this article I know it is not a surprise that adults don’t trust young

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