Teddy Roosevelt In The Gilded Age

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Teddy Roosevelt was one of the few truly great presidents that we’ve had. He seemed off putting because he always contradicted himself, but I feel like it was okay he was so indecisive. TR, as he liked to be called, was also shrewd. One more word that would describe Roosevelt was kindhearted. His unique personality combination was exactly what the Gilded Age needed. Being indecisive about his allowed him have the most original president. He believed in being a Conservative but fought for the Reform. He fought for what he knew was right. He didn’t use a bias opinion to make America how he wanted. He was a hunter, but he knew where to draw his limits. Knowing that America had great things to offer, he started the conservation movement. He was also a warhead. But rather than go to war he fixed what was wrong with the states. Doing so earned him a nobel peace prize. Being so shrew Roosevelt used his personality to get exactly what he wanted. Those things influenced his politics, causing him to be either loved or hated. He felt that the people of America should be able to decide their own fate, how they’ll end up. So he broke up all the monopolies and fired the people in charge. Teddy also listen and fixed situations. He noticed that their was a Mining Strike,…show more content…
Being kind hearted, he went into further investigations about the food industry. He passed the Meat Inspection and Pure Food and Drug Act. This forced companies to have a clean business, so the Americans would know for sure that their food is top notch. There was no more lies and disrespectful conduct of workers. Another sweet thing the President did was the Conservation Act. He said that America was a beautiful land and that our children’s children should know of all the sights. So he stopped destruction of the lands and preserved hundreds of lands and

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