Technology In Brave New World

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Man creates, to ease the everyday tasks of a society to a greater extent. The character of a person is heavily affected by the tools and technology surrounding them. In the novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, the World State is a situation where the society runs on science and technology. However, as science and technology continues to develop, the danger of it is that it also continues to control the society, psychologically and socially. Living in a world surrounded by technology and science, the influence of these devices would psychologically change one's behaviour and traditions. First of all, the society in the World State does not have a religion. The reason behind this is because "[g]od isn't compatible with machinery and scientific…show more content…
First of all, because of the advanced technology in the World State, the society does not know the value of their lives. An example of this is when Mustapha Mond says, "Undoing all their wholesome death-conditioning with this disgusting outcry-as though death were something terrible, as though any one mattered as much as all that! It might give them the most disastrous ideas about the subject, might upset them into reacting in the entirely wrong, the utterly anti-social way" (181). As technology controls the birth rate so easily, no one has value to their life. The people of the World State have been conditioned to think like this, and if they think otherwise it is "anti-social". One of the main technologies which the entire society was dependent on, was Soma. As Lenina explains, Soma is taken when "you have these dreadful ideas of yours. You'd forget all about them. And instead of feeling miserable, you'd be jolly" (79). As does Lenina, the rest of the society in the World State correlates Soma to happiness. The truth is that Soma does nothing more than take away pain, but they still believe no pain, is happiness. The World State uses Soma to control an individual's emotions, actions, and behaviour all together. Lastly, technology is developed to make a humans life easier, but in turn we become over dependant on these devices. We can see this when Lenina says, "'I wish we could have brought the plane… I hate walking. And you feel so small when you’re on the ground at the bottom of a hill'" (93). In the World State, it has come to a point where the society does not want to do a simple task like walking, because there is technology to do it for them. We create devices and technology so actions can be handled with more ease, but the advancement in technology is causing humans to become dependent on them. Without them, humans would progress no further, and would be
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