Taming Of The Shrew Kate Character Analysis

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William Shakespeare expertly produced female characters that strayed away from the one-dimensional tropes of the time. The Taming of the Shrew is no exception as it explores the inappropriate behavior of Katherine. However, Katherine isn't the only female character with distinguishable actions and hidden intentions; her sister Bianca is just as much as an indecent woman as she is. Bianca speaks often of herself throughout the play and changes her speech towards the end to be witty and crude. Additionally, her tone varies from sarcasm to bitterness if a character subjectively wrongs her. When informed that a pair of her suitors decided that she's not worth their time she is dumfounded and holds a bitter attitude, asking if it's just a joke,…show more content…
Bianca teases men who admire her, specifically her tutors, when she realizes the she is the center of their undying affection. Her self-centeredness arises when she apologizes for not giving equal amount of her interest in the two men who are fighting to have private lessons with her. "Good master, take it not unkindly, pray, That I have been thus pleasant with you both."(____) The expression, pleasant is a fond word that encases the thought that Bianca is past strictly teacher and student relationship. She is aware of their banter and does not take a serious stance to stop it, but instead encourages it by tactfully prodding at them. When Lucentio, as her tutor, gives Bianca a flirtatious statement to be well taught in "The Art to Love" (___) she responds with, "And may you prove, sir, master of your art!"(____) The words, prove and master avoid a direct response to Lucentio's advances, but hint to him to show her how well he can woo her. Thus, she promotes his obsessing behavior over her to feed her ego of being showered with men's attention. Once more, Bianca shuns away from frankly voicing her intentions and replaces strong verbs or adjectives with docile…show more content…
Her commanding lines are directed towards her suitors or tutors, but not towards any other characters. Bianca frequently expresses her discontent in a formal speech with short sentences and firm verbs. She doesn't over complicate her commands or include flowery phrases to appear polite or kindhearted. "I am no breeching scholar in the schools, I'll not be tied to hour no 'pointed times, but learn my lessons as I please myself."(____) Bianca asserts herself with verbs as: I am no, and I'll not, accentuating to her tutors that she is in control of her own schedule and they'll have no say in it. "Call you this gamut? Tut, I like it not! Old fashions please me best; I am not so nice."(____) Bianca continues her use of forceful verbs of: it not, and am not, but with an exclamation point at the end to stress her discontent with her tutor. When questioned about her actions she responds with, "What, master, read you, first resolve me that."(____), which not only avoids the question but commands her tutor to first met her

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