Tall Tell Heart Sexism

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Desires can create a blind tunnel for anyone who chases their respective aspirations. The desire shown by Edgar Allan Poe’s narrator to murder a quiet old man in “The Tall Tell Heart,” possesses a dangerous mix with obsession. In so, all his energy is unhealthy focused on devising a scheme to murder someone who society portrays as normal and healthy. Moreover, the narrator’s behavior is at times not consistent with society’s demand because his method of resolving situations resembles that of the dark sector of society. This abnormal behavior leads him vulnerable to the classification of a monster. Evidently, Jerome Cohen’s “Monsters Theses,” is applicable to this character because of his conduct of tranquility, persistence, and misjudgment…show more content…
Cohen alludes to the fact that at the beginning of life is the same for all humans; they are born innocent. However, if this is true, then why is their racism and sexism? These negative ideas exist because the influence society’s negative ignorant ideas have on individuals. Society is an aggressive and attacking institution that everyone faces as citizens of the world. The elite do control nor did they create society, society is a collective creation of everyone who inhabits it. It is shaped and formed by everyone including their different customs, bigotry, ignorance and culture. Due to its human creation, society is full of judgment since it constantly attacks those who do not conform or decide to deviate from its norm. Poe’s narrator in The Tell Tale Heart is a victim of a materialistic society,…show more content…
In so, Poe’s narrator found a synonym for his definition of a monster: villain. Throughout American history, the term monster has described both criminals, and politicians; however, it has taken a new approach since it labels those police who deviate from societal protocol as monsters. In essence, their deviation from their expectations although good or bad leads to the use of term since society’s expectations do not match their behavior. The switch from monster to villain breaks the boundaries society has historically associated with monsters. Additionally, it demonstrates how flawed the term monster is in our world and our language because monstrosity is relative. Thus, proving through Cohen’s third thesis that monstrosity “is a genus too large to be encapsulated in any conceptual system, “(Cohen). The sudden police intervention and entrance into the premises enraged the narrator because it thwarted his plan. Consequently, the intervention caused Poe’s narrator to not enjoy his recently done deed. His sudden scream “Villains!... I admit to the deed,” is a conglomeration of emotions that include fear, an emotion one would face when in the presence of a monster. Furthermore, the police are guilty for triggering the insanity in him, thus resulting in the narrator turning himself in due to guilt. The police are generally portrayed as a positive presence; however,

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