Sweatshop Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bib 1Clark, J. R., & Powell, B. (2013). Sweatshop working conditions and employee welfare: say it ain't sew. Comparative Economic Studies, 55(2), 343+. Retrieved from http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?p=GPS&sw=w&u=bchsp&v=2.1&it=r&id=GALE%7CA335972934&asid=74f034053ddd0dbf511e2318c052e8d9 In this article J.R. Clark, a doctor in Economics at the University of Tennessee discusses the conditions of today’s sweatshops. He first goes on to explain the origins of the word “sweatshop,” which came from the 1900’s sweating system. The sweating system where companies would contract middle men to hire workers and have the manufacture products in poor conditions for little to no pay. J.R. then conducts a survey of sweatshop workers in multiple factories in Guatemala. With this survey, it was found that the workers in these factories had better benefits and working conditions than their previous employer. 2Mayer, R. (2007). Sweatshops, Exploitation, and Moral Responsibility. Journal Of Social Philosophy, 38(4), 605-619. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9833.2007.00401.x In this peer reviewed journal, Robert Mayer, a professor in Political Theory, discusses the usage of sweatshops and how the facilities are exploited by corporations. Mayer…show more content…
Nike and how it affects the fight against sweatshops. Kasky v. Nike was a lawsuit involving Michael Kaskey and the shoe company Nike. Kasky was upset upon learning about Nike’s horrendous sweatshop conditions In Vietnam. These conditions included long work hours and the dumping of carcinogens into the air, which resulted in respiratory disease in 77% of the workers. Kasky sued Nike on the grounds of false advertising as Nike had released a code of conduct to the public which they claimed all foreign factories had to follow. In the aftermath of this case, it influenced many other anti-sweatshop activists to sue other companies for their working conditions and employee

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